• April 2008
  • PRODUCTION JOURNAL by Joe Swanberg and David Lowery

    Wednesday, April 23, 2008

    Day Two

    Another day, another reminder:

    Around noon, we made the trek across town to Justin's apartment to film another scene. Amy and Jess took advantage of the 45 minute transit to get some sisterly bonding time. Moments after this picture was taken, they were both nearly run over by a bus.

    Afterwards, we all agreed that if the lead actors were in a horrible accident two days into the shoot, not only would we keep shooting the film, but that it might actually be better. Or at least more marketable.

    We shot a great moment with Jess and Justin, and then walked around the corner to Ellen Stagg's apartment to grab an impromptu scene between Jess and Amy. When we arrived, however, we hit some sort of wall. At least from my perspective. Everyone seemed to be at an impasse, with no idea what exactly they were going to do. There were more than a few minutes of everyone just standing around, waiting for who knows what to happen. Inspiration? Eventually, though, we wound up in the living room and the camera wound up rolling and Amy and Jess just started talking. After a few moments, Joe stopped them and gave them some general directions. We kept going like, stopping and starting and stopping and starting until we stopped stopping and kept going. And just like that, over the course of the next hour, a scene evolved - and, more than that, a dynamic emerged.

    We packed up and walked back to the headquarters. We waited for the peak of magic hour and then shot some stuff with Jess and Barlow on our beautiful rooftop patio. I won't describe this scene. It's worth waiting for.

    Suffice to say, this is how we all felt after we wrapped:

    After dinner...and ICE CREAM...

    ...everyone was in the mood to go to bed, but no one wanted to admit it, so we all decided to watch a movie instead. Tipper had brought a selection of her faves, and Jacob's Ladder was selected for the evening's entertainment. It was fun to get freaked out by all of it's genuinely disturbing imagery, but man, that screenplay frustrates me. It makes me not like screenplays. Or maybe it just makes me want to write a good one.


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